burung-gereja erasia bahasa Inggris
- burung gereja: old world sparrow; sparrow
- bukit burung gereja: sparrow hills
- gajahan erasia: eurasian curlew
- kangkok erasia: common cuckoo
- magpie erasia: eurasian magpie
- alap-alap erasia: common kestrel
- hering-hitam erasia: cinereous vulture
- raja-udang erasia: common kingfisher
- gereja: church; kirk; church buildings; church (congregation); church (building); abbey; mosque; temple; church building; chapel; church-building; house of worship; place of worship; synagogue; sinagogue
- burung: bird; flying bird; birds; wee-wee; shlong; donger; genitals; pud; love muscle; tool; starling; west nile encephalitis; dong; pickle; putz; canary; bee-eater; zebra finch; frigate bird; pecker; jamok
- burung but-but: cuckoo
- burung-burung: birds; the birds (play)
- dewan gereja-gereja asia: christian conference of asia
- dewan gereja-gereja sedunia: world council of churches
- gereja-gereja independen tiongkok: chinese independent churches